Temple of Grace Church, Mombasa
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- Hits: 13828
What is Redeemed Gospel Church?
It is the largest and fastest growing ministry in Kenya and other parts of the world. In every town among the biggest churches, there is Redeemed Gospel Church.
Redeemed Gospel Church is an independent church. There is no denominational control or hierarchy, as there is in most other denominations.
Each church is self-governed and determines its own affairs for example:
- Every RGC local church has its own pastor.
- Every RGC local church owns its own buildings and assets
- Every RGC local church determines its own programs.
Temple of Grace is a ministry of Redeemed Gospel Church International which is autonomous but works together with other Redeemed gospel Churches to reach the unreached with the good news about Christ and in planting new Redeemed Gospel churches.
What are the advantages of affiliating with RGC?
It allows us to identify with other Christians around the world who are known for their commitment to the Bible – unlike other groups the RGC has no man-made creed. The Bible is our only authority.
We believe in great commitment to the great commandment and to the great commission will grow a great church.
Pastor Joseph Maweu is a senior pastor of Temple of Grace – Mombasa which is a ministry of Redeemed Gospel church.
He is also an overseer of other six churches in West Area of Mombasa.
Pastor Maweu is the founder of Temple of Grace – Mombasa which was founded in him and was opened in the year 1999 from a humble beginning. He has held Associate degree in Ministry and he is the director of Touch of Grace School of Ministry.
Before he became a pastor he was a successful small scale business hotel runner just in the surrounding region.
Temple of Grace which is the fastest growing church which only began with 27 members and now it has grown up to more than 2000 members.
Pastor Joseph Maweu married Agnes Maweu in 1987, wonderful and beautiful lady. They are blessed with three children one son and two daughters Emmanuel, Grace, Annah. Pastor Joseph Maweu and the family appreciate everyone that over the years has supported the ministry. In any way.
May God bless you?